Saturday, March 6, 2010


A old man reached in to the kingdom of king and said “god ! I m your cousin …… Once I was also like you ……. I had 32 servants but they left me by one by one ………. I had two close friends .. they also did the same and started not giving response to me……..I have two brother they are hardly able to do the things …..!
wife too responses badly.…….By seeing my problems, if you can help me than please……..
King gave the full respect to him and passed the packet full of money… after seeing this seen the member of kingdom had shown surprise…..and said that how could this poor person be your brother…..
The king said “This man realize me my responsibilities. He had 32 teeths now even a single is not there… two friends but not helping him out. Two brothers but due to insufficient power are not able to perform the things as desired. Knowledge was his wife…..but now due to age factor response here and there. My mother is prosperity and poorness….. And both are sisters. That’s why we two are cousin In relation. This old man is not saying anything wrong.”
By these things, the King got a message for himself and decided to devote his time for welfare of public, good work like bhakti of krishna .........
………… remaining his time giving in to the footed of lord Krishna and Radha Rani reason being people are not aware from reality no one can help to anyone … like your body will not be safe for you whether you are going to gym or taking meat, egg, liquor etc. like that I am focusing on current time whatever is going here and there....that’s very harmful to every human life because we are not conscious towards our bhakti….Right now we are in the mode of illusion “MAYA” So in this situation we can’t do bhakti of Krishna and like other demigods also after passing our age of 40 to 50 around than we will think over there ……. And we will cry oh lord! Please safe me! I don’t want money and honey but please safe me. So you know very well how it can possible every human life will go the hell means “SWARGA, NARAKA, BEKUNTHDHAM, GOLOK VRINDAVAN” like that its totally depend on our consciousness towards Krishna bhakti. So we having more and more time for Krishna bhakti in this material world so we can get the live residence of Krishna and Radha they living there we can get easily after bhakti of Krishna so please engaged with Krishna and firstly serve to Krishna because if will firstly to godhead than your bhakti will be increase so please and please CHANT HARE “KRISHNA MAHAMNTRA” and BE HAPPY.

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