Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bhagvat Love ‘ Prem ‘ of station ?

Hare Krishna
Bhagvat love ‘ prem ‘ of station ?
There are some point for bhagvat love …….

(A) Faith with sastra – it means we should be faith with all spiritual books “ sastra” like… bhagwad gita, Ramayana , veda , puran etc …. These all are sastra for us if we want to love with bhagvat means lord Krishna than we should read these spiritual books with full faithfulness ……….

Its divided in to two parts
1. SHARAGUN SHARDHA - Sharagun shardha divided in to three parts……..


(a) RAJOGUN – it means which person have more sleepness there is no time table for awaking and sleeping late night sleeping and late morning awaking , more methun with his wife and other also one think also there like playing card (JUAA) , lottery, satta like that so who is involving in these activities it means he is in RAJOGUN ………

(b) TAMOGUN- Tamogun is totally related to the passion means eating meat, and taking intoxicant like liquor, panmasala, supari, gutkha, charasa, ganjha like that these all are indicate that we are in TAMOGUN……

(c) SATOGUN- Stogun means mode of goodness in this mode everything should be pure.. whether sleeping, eating , mating, earning, everything….. everything related to Krishna……
Mode of goodness is the mode in which we can achieve mercy of krishna.. mode of goodnesss consists of eating pure food without onion garlic, taking bath with cold water in every season, doing every activity for pleasure for krishna.. ..not for our pleasure..that is all about mode of goodness..

we all r in mode of tamoguna and rajoguna..but not in mode of satoguna…. for getting the mercy and true love of krishna we have to come in mode of satoguna..
It is not possible in these two modes…... so please be care full … for your real happiness…..
B. ENGAGEED WITH SENIOR DEVOTEE – It is the second station of bhagvat prem it means always try to more n more engaged with senior devotee which is giving you spiritual knowledge related to the Krishna consciousness at time to time movement ... that data will be very important to our life because we know very well what we should do but we don’t do …. Its point to …… so whenever you are fell that means think I m alone like that than firstly chant hare Krishna mahamntra than if you are more confused than try to engage with senior devotee.

C.BHAJAN PROCESS – Bhajan process divided in to five points
1. UTSAMAYI – Utsamayi bhakti is that here people doing bhakti for his preciseness nothing else mostly people doing bhakti for his greatness but he don’t know who is prime … its not good for bhakti …. Every time at every movement doing bhakti for his preciseness… nothing else…..

2.DHANTARALTA – In this process some time people are having more devotion in bhakti and some time nil bhakti it means some time he chant 10,12 , 14, 16 Round but some time he will chant 2, 3,4, may nil also….whenever he decreased his bhakti that means he is “MAYA” It is dhantaralta bhajan process .
3. VIEWED VEKALPTA – Here people are very confused for bhakti/ chanting like that every time say today I will do, than tomorrow I can do, after this month I will do defiantly means chanting Krishna mahamntra it means he cant do……. Nothing …. Because he don’t know who we are …. From where we are coming …..

4. VISHYA SANGRAHA – In this process we should avoid cinemas , sports games , eating meats like that if we are involving in this than we should leave from there ….. please….

5. NEYAM AKSHMA – There are four rule………..
a. Avoid intoxicant
b. Avoid meat, eggs, onions , garlic like that….
c. No Methun ( if you are not married )
d. Avoid gambling ( juaa, satta, share market)

D. TRANAGA RAGINI- Taranga ragini bhakti including full devotional means contuniouslly bhakti ... there is no affraid from any sides or any therates it is very important to us for achiving krishna " MOKHSHA" .....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

we should serve firstly to krishna...

Try to see’ rup ‘of Krishna for his eye than u can get the dershna of lord Krishna it is real ‘ sambershan’ of eye or hurt with lord Krishna. If your rasna want to take taste means’ suad’ give the taste more n more if your rasna want to ‘chapaan bhog’ no obligation but firstly serve to lord Krishna after that you can eaten over there because serving bhog it will be prasadam.
Prasadam of god it is real god ….. never knowledge of ‘anna’ in the pasad of god, whenever serve to Krishna than its not bread, sweets, fruits if any material you serve to Krishna than it also a god means Krishna ……….prasadam of Krishna it will real god ………..if your nose “nasika” want ot take dust ‘gandh’ than give the dust … but whichone? ………….go to the temple of god and bent your head and taking the smell lotus feet of” chandan” and smell the tulsi….. it is smbaerdhan of nose means nasika and try to the smberdhan of hand and all of “endirion “ it is real worship of lord Krishna ……….
We should do subh krma and stand in the good work like sperintual because if we will going in spintual work from strongly…… not for mjburi…… some of people are interesting in religious way for mjburi because if we will not do this than what will say the people for them …………it means we want to show our self in the people mind .
Who was socrates ? we know very well who was this ……….. he was very famous and very good philosopher ……but he was not beautiful ………… a day he was seeing the face in his mirror but when socartas was seeing his face in mirror in this time a student leafs after seeing guru face that situation but Socrates was knowing very well why leafs you means his student but “fer bhi” called him …. Please come and told him I am not beautiful really I m unbeautiful but than after I am seeing his face in the mirror I think its cause for leafs for you because I am not beautiful bt I am seeing his face in the mirror he didn’t tell to them and bent his face that’s means he was agree with this point if you know that you are not beautiful than after you seeing his face in the mirror than Socrates told to his student beautifulness and mirror are totally different think …….ok ..everyone should be see the mirror if he is beautiful or not why should be see the mirror by beautiful personality because if beautiful person seeing mirror…. Than think I m seeing the mirror how much we are beautiful … it means we should do good ‘krama’ because we are very beautiful… na ‘ that’s why if you are not doing good karma than no benefits from your beautifulness.
A beautiful person should be see the mirror and thinks whatever beautifulness giving me by godhead than we should do good karma because we are having beautifulness .
Why should unbeautiful person see the mirror and he should think if I am unbeautiful so what … than after I will make good karma than I can make great person means he can get moksha in this material world because people verified from his karma …. That’s true….
…………………………Please see this point………
Karma pradhan vishuba rache rakha !
Jo jase krahen so tasu fal chakha !
Its mentioned in the shri ramcharitamanasha ………………………………
It means whatever we are doing like legal, illegal means karma than we have to follow the ‘Fal’ no one secure to anyone .
Like an example -

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is real worship?

Love is ‘worship’ with lord Krishna that is real bhakti and worship if our sense is not there for real worship than you are totally wrong means if we are worship with dhol, mradang ,kertala, bell but our hurt is not working for Krishna that is not worship ….. if we are taking this worship in the mode of joking ,timepaas than we cant success in our life we cant get ‘mokhsha’ in this material world.
How herinayan were loving with lord Krishna
Whenever herniyan was seeing to lord Krishna than run and see the Krishna mode’ roop’ weave the pitamver of Krishna from her ‘ seeng’ like anyone love than starched the shall , weave , touch in this mode” hernia” was touching the piatamber of lord Krishna and worship of lord Krishna also……. How can’ herniayan’ love with Krishna ? how will she weave the bell and said the aarati? …. Not………..
She saw the lord Krishna that was a worship for ‘ herianyan’ …………… it means love is worship……….
Without love all are totally rubbish …… real worship doing by ‘herniyan’
Because she seeing the Krishna in mode of love that’s why it is real worship…………………

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is difference b/w happiness and unhappiness?

I think its very highly important question to know that……….
Whenever you are going through unethical situation means illegal “ pap” than you cant save yourself regarding your “pap” in any condition if you did the “pap” than you have to follow “ fal” whatever you done in your life it is cycle.
“pap” is not you father which leave for you at any cost”
If you will do good than “sukh” will stand… but if you believed…. than reality is that no “sukh” no “dukh” in this material world means” sukh “ n “dukh” don’t have any relation with anyone its our thinking nothing else. Any material don’t having any relation with sukh n dukh… means sukh n dukh having relation with our hurt “mn” only its game of our hurt “mn” if we got any material than lots happy or if any material grab from us than we are unhappy but please learned whatever you got and whatever you are having its your and which is leaved for you that’s means it was not for you because in this world all material will leaved for you its sure we know very well, no one material not for us in this material world really only our lord Krishna is always with us at every time he is never forgot us only Krishna is our sab kuch like friend, sister, father.
If you want to having more happiness than please try to agree with satisfaction its means if you will not satisfied than you cant happy…. So please try to make habits with satisfaction…..always satisfied with all material whenever we don’t satisfied than again unhappy “aashanti”.
Why we are unhappy now ?
That’s means whatever we don’t have…. which is we preferred …..that’s why we are unhappy if you want to take more happiness than try to be make satisfied person than you will automatically be happy….
Mostly whatever you like than its not got by you than unhappy that’s why all people are unhappy in this material world …….
What is the resign behind unhappiness means “aashanti”
Only our hurt “mn” is main resign for that like happiness , unhappiness its only only our hurt.
Like example – A man was very poor and very unhappy confused for living in this world.. a day he purchase a lottery after one day news paper came than he is having number of lottery in this paper he was lots happy because he won the one crore of money from lottery …….. he told to his nabour , friend and his relative to also I won the one crore from the lottery after day.... he went for sleep on his bad but “neend” is not coming because one crore was very highly amount for him he thinked if I got one crore than I will spend the money in my home , car, jwellery like that …………………………………………………..
Next day paper came and than he was very unhappy and confused he crying and he through the paper on his head because lottery gave the advertise again whatever I has been printed last day please try to read after five … again read six it means he lost his lottery money because there was a little bit mistake in the paper ….. he was abnormal yesterday and today also …
He was abnormal in happy situation yesterday on word but today he is abnormal in unhappy situation …he leave the food , not conversation with anyone … he sit with unhappy situation….. prabhuji there was no difference means paper came yesterday and today also , advertise came yesterday and today also but it is hurt ”mn” ….. sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy no one is there for giving happiness and unhappiness only our hurt “mn”.
…………………………PLEASE READ THIS POINT…………………………………
MN KE HARE HAR HE……………..…………OR………………… MAN KE JITE JIT …………….!
MN HI MILAYE RAMA SE…………………….OR……………….. MAN HI KRE FJIT…………...!!
hurt "mn" is "bandhan" and hurt is "mukti" only our hurt "MN" will give ur happiness and unhappiness ..
prabhuji if u want to get kripa of lord krishna than try to incresed your standard from happiness and unhappiness and make your "krma" good. happiness and unhappiness will come in life of every peope.
SHRIMAD BHAGBATA said that you are not coming work for happiness and unhappiness...... you are coming for real happiness "Aanada" which "aanada" happiness is more incresed material rather than happiness and unhappiness which "aanada" happiness will coming than never leaved for you.

Always be happy , happiness will not come from outside ,happiness is in your hurt it is material of soul
We are searching that happiness in out side, we has been just like light bulb inwhich switch is in any other hand if he is on the switch than on and spread the light if switch off than not spread the light we are just like bulb and tube light please don’t make like light bulb.
Always your switch should be in your hand , your happiness is in your hand means no one cant be resign for your happiness .
Your happiness and “KHUSHI” is in your body, you are the stock ”bhandar” of happiness that’s happinesss hide in your body nothing else.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Twentythree part of "bhakti"

it means to "grahan" bhagbad prasadi of material.
like cloths, chandana, mala, and foods also firstly we should serve to krishna than after to take "grahan" in form of bhagavat prasadam.
Uddhav ji told to lord krishna in shrimad bagavtam.......
"o lord " always we did weave after serve to you prasadam, mala, cloths, and we eaten your "jhotan" we are the devotee "das" thatswhy we will take "vijaya" on your maya we dont dare from that it means whatever people "dharana" of bhagavat prasadi material than they can get vijay on maya you can know that we are having safegaurd for maya.


Dear friend
शुभ प्रभात Good Morning

ब्रह्मा जी ने गोपियों की चरण रज पाने के लिए To get the phase Rj Brahma ji Gopion
सात हजार वर्ष तक तप किया Seven thousand years of penance
परन्तु फ़िर भी गोपियों की रज नही मिली ! But still did not Gopion of Rj!
उन्ही गोपियों ने अपनी चरण रज तक श्रीकृष्ण को खिला दी ! Srikrishna their feeding Phase Gopion those given by Rj!
ऐसा है गोपी प्रेम ! Gopi so love!

यहाँ प्रेम के अतिरिक्त कोई भी धर्म आदि शेष नही रहता ! No religion, etc. In addition to love here would not balance!
कृष्ण प्रेम के अतिरिक्त इन के पास और कुछ है ही नही ! Krishna is love and not have these extra!

अब सोच लीजिये कि कितना ऊँचा है ये गोपी प्रेम ! Now imagine how much higher it take Gopi love!
गोपियाँ ही सर्वश्रेष्ट उपासिका है देहधारियों में ! In the Srwsresht Upasika गोपियाँ is Dehdharion!
उनका गोविन्द में प्रेम इतना भावरुढ़ हो गया Govind's love in them so Bavarudh
कि उन्होंने उस प्रेम में सम्पूर्ण मर्यादाए तोड़ दी ! They love the whole Mryadaa broke!
उनके प्रेम में लोक मर्यादा, आर्य पथ, व् वेद् पथ को गोपियों ने सब छोड़ दिया ! People in love their dignity, Arya Path, O Ved paths all Gopion left!
श्री कृष्ण ने भी विरह से पीड़ित गोपियों के विरह को दूर किया ! Sri Krishna also suffering from separation to separation distance of Gopion!
प्रेम के पीछे यहाँ श्री कृष्ण ने भी सब मर्यादायो को तोड़ दिया ! Sri Krishna also love everything here behind Mryadayo broke!
रात्रि में सब मर्यादायो का अति कर्मन हो जाता है At night the most Karmn is all Mryadayo
इसीलिए श्री कृष्ण का जन्म रात्रि में हुआ ! So the birth of Shri Krishna in the night!
राधे राधे .......... Rade Rade ..........

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

why should we worship of lord krishna ??

why should we worship of krishna this question is very important to everyone because mostly people know that everyone god is same like shankar, deviparvati, ganesh, durgama, hanumanji, balaji, like that we dont know very well who is prime in this?
but gita said that krishna is prime .... these also are demigods but working on behalf of me means mostly people pray for getting money, children, car, building, like name and fame from demigods if it will be in possitive than he belived or if it will be negative than pray to other demigods.
its true but it tataly hendling by lord krishna means whatever demigods is your fevorits and whatever you want to pray him that reqirement will be finished by lord krishna.if anyone is worship of any demigods it will be also krishna bhakti but by the indirectly an example if you want to read bhagvat gita than first way is that you can go to read any cheptor but firstly see preface page its simple way and second way is that whatever "sloka" you want to read than read one by one page so that is way hard for you from this way you can read any "sloka" but you have to search more n more page for a reading specific "sloka".
now conclution is that we should worship of lord krishna if we want to "moksha" means really happiness from this material world if we are worship of any demigods than it will be reached on krishna but it will take more n more time minimum satisfaction it true...........

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bhakti is "bhagvat seva"

In every type of bhakti having a attraction to every saver which increase the devotion in the devotee’s heart in this world everyone doing work for his happiness like a men working for his family mean children, wife, mother and sister these all people will be happy after my working efforts so I want to say in clear words if he will not work than family member may be unhappy that’s why man doing work for his family but instead of it’s not real happiness cause after few time it will finish.
Suppose We getting happiness from outside material sources but u all people please think deeply what is the duration of this kind of happiness ?
This happiness don’t have long duration, we have to come in unhappy situation again.
Like an example if a doctor smell us chloroform before starting operation it does not mean that while operation we are not going through pain but actually we don’t feel it due to chloroform effectiveness. If we are thinking that we happy now its not real because problem still with us. So here I want to make understand to all of you ………… that chloroform is only an outside sources to overcome the pain means its working only for few time happiness.